Sunday, September 27, 2015


I only got a chance to go to Arthur Binardさん's lecture on Monday, but it was very fascinating regardless.  He talked about what he learned from his experiences in Japan, especially from the Hiroshima Peace Memorial.  He told us how he learned to look at situations from a different cultural lens, and he shared that look with us.  What I found the most interesting was how in America, we look at the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki as images of a mushroom cloud, or a plane dropping a bomb, but in Japan, people look at it as a flash of light, what they call "pika".  They never looked at it as a mushroom cloud because they were directly in the situation, while Americans try to distance themselves.  Overall, I thought his lecture was a very eye-opening experience.  It made me appreciate the Japanese culture even more!

Saturday, September 19, 2015

So you know that I LOVE どうぶつのもり...

There's a spin-off game that's literally coming out this Friday and I am SO EXCITED!!!!

ハッピーホームデセイナー  (はっぴいほうむでせいなあ), or Happy Home Designer, is a game where you get to design animal's houses any way you want! (well, with a few guidelines, of course...)  Unlike New Leaf, which I talked about a few weeks ago, you have full customization of villager's homes and you can have as many villagers as you want (New Leaf only lets you have 10 at a time), but your character doesn't have a house.  There's also no concept of money in this game, so you have access to furniture based on your progress in the game and which villager's houses you design.

I can't post any screenshots from my game yet (since I don't have it.....), but the game has been out in Japan for two months now, so here are some screenshots I found from people who have the Japanese version of the game:

In the game, you work for a company that designs houses.  The first house you design is for a client named Goldie (キャラメル, or Caramel in the Japanese version).

Each client has a "theme" that they want their house to be based off of, and you gain access to furniture items of that theme when you design their house.  You get to keep copies of the furniture to decorate other's houses too! Carrie (マミイ, or Mommy in the Japanese version) requested a kid-friendly house.

You can even decide what biome you want each client to live in (everything from grassy to tropical to snowy), and customize the outside of their house and their yard!  This house belongs to a bear cub named Pekoe (ジャスミン, or Jasmine in the Japanese version).

You also get to design buildings on Main Street, like a school, a department store, a shop, a hospital, and a music hall!

I am soooooo excited for the American version to come out! So if any of you have a car and want to drive me to GameStop on Friday................????? ;)

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

まいにちの せいかつ


Sunday, September 6, 2015


Image result for doubutsu no mori new leaf

One of my favorite video games is とびだせどうぶつのもり, or Animal Crossing: New Leaf, by Nintendo.  In the game, you are the mayor of your own little town, and you have various animals as villagers.  You can customize your character to look like you, design your own house with lots of different kinds of furniture, create a town with many public works projects, and have fun shopping on Main Street.  This is probably my favorite game because it's so calming and tranquil, unlike a lot of action games where you're constantly stressed. I can play どうぶつのもり when I'm having a bad day and need to get away from the real world.  Plus, a lot of my friends play the game too, and we can visit each others towns!  All of the villagers I've had in my town are so cute, and they'll interact with you in various ways throughout your playthrough.  There's no way to win; you just play for fun!
This is my favorite villager, ぐみ (Gummy), or Poppy in the American version of the game.  She is a sweetheart and so adorable!  I've had her as a villager since I first started playing the game.
This is my character in the game, Jadzia.  You can see from this picture that there are lots of plants, and weather phenomena!  You can make your town however you want, from a very nature-focused town to an urban-looking town.  My town is a combination of both.
I love to play games with my friends!  This is a picture of me and one of my best friends from back home dancing around in the "club" on Main Street.  Some of our animal friends are here too!  The kangaroo you see is named キッズ (Kids), or Astrid in the American version.  The DJ in the back is とたけけ (Totakeke), or K.K. Slider.  He has a party every night!

If you have a Nintendo 3DS and want a game that's very relaxing, I highly recommend playing  とびだせどうぶつのもり.  I've done so many fun things in this game!


はじめまして。わたしは ふぃしぇるです。いちねんせえです。あめりかじんです。せんこわ せえぶつがくです。どおぞよろしょく。